Navigating the Challenges of Pumping: A Mother’s Journey.

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As a mother, the journey of breastfeeding your baby extends way beyond the simple act of nursing. If your baby isn’t latching (or due to other circumstances), chances are you’re using a breast pump to express milk. Pumping is a great way to provide breast milk to your baby. It does, however, come with challenges that a mother must navigate. This post will explore common pumping challenges and tips to overcome them.


 At first, finding the time to pump can be one of the most stressful things to do. All while caring for your newborn, managing the household, and, for some, returning to work. To overcome this challenge, it is important to prioritize pumping. Schedule regular pumping sessions throughout the day to maximize your milk output. It is recommended for mothers to pump every two hours in early postpartum. I know this sounds exhausting, and trust me, it is!Especially waking up to pump in the middle of the night. But maximizing your milk output at the beginning will make or break your supply in the weeks to come. If you’re a mama that needs to return to work. It’s important to take breaks at work. Your employer should allow you to pump as needed. Enlist the help of family and caregivers. Most importantly invest in a hospital grade dual electric pump (like the Spectra S1) for optimal performance. I purchased the Spectra S1 for both years of my pumping journey and I loved it. Best of all it is rechargeable and portable, meaning no more being glued to a wall! 

Maintaining Supply

 As soon as your baby is born, establishing and maintaining a healthy milk supply can be a concern for any pumping mother. Milk production no doubt operates on a supply-and-demand basis. The more you pump, the more milk your body will make. Consistent and effective pumping is crucial for signaling the body to produce milk. It is important to fully empty your breast after each pump session. To address this, pump frequently, more so during the early weeks postpartum when your milk supply has yet to be established. Also, hydrate, eat well, and try to rest. This will help your milk production. Pumping will be exhausting, stressful, and frustrating at first. But don’t give up, mama. It will get easier as your baby grows. Always remember they are only little for such a short amount of time! This too shall pass. 

Comfort and Pain

There is no doubt that pumping will be uncomfortable and even painful the first time around. It shouldn’t be, though. Your breasts are just not accustomed to enduring nicks, pulls, and stretches. (Trust me, you never knew your nipples could stretch as much as they will with pumping.) To ensure a smoother pump session, find the ideal flange size to maximize milk output as well as comfort. It’salso important to experiment with the different suction levels. This will help avoid nipple damage and reduce pain. Lubricate your nipples after each session if you need to. After I pump, I sometimes use a bit of coconut oil to ease the friction on my nipples. Use only a small amount. Using more may disrupt you from emptying your breast fully (I speak from experience). I used coconut oil in every pump session. But I found I was not fully empty after each session, no matter how long I pumped. It was a very frustrating time for me because I couldn’t figure out why. Until at work one day, I forgot my coconut oil. After the session, I realized my breasts were finally empty. After that, I stopped using coconut oil unless truly needed. I keep it on hand for rare instances of need only.  

Emotional Strain

 Pumping will evoke a range of emotions for many mamas. This will include feeling frustration, guilt, and anxiety. In my experience, pumping is more emotionally taxing than nursing your baby. It’s the feeling of being attached to a pump 8-12 times a day. Or the constant chore of washing pump part after pump part to avoid your baby getting an infection. For working mamas, this only gets worse. After exclusively pumping for over two years as a working mom, I can honestly say I’ve wanted to quit so many times. Especially on the days when I can’t seem to catch a break from any of it. I find myself pumping and driving more often than I’d like. Simply to be able to get to work on time or because it was time to pump. Carrying all the extra parts and bags to work takes a toll. This does not include finding a way to keep your breast milk fresh at work. Amid the stress, remember this: pumping helps your baby’s health. It’s a valuable contribution to his/her well-being. You’ve got this, mama! 

Logistical Challenges

Whether it’s dealing with pump parts, storing your expressed milk, or keeping your milk from spoiling. There are always challenges associated with pumping. Stay organized, especially on the go. Keep your pump parts in a designated area at home. Also, invest in a quality cooler bag to transport your breastmilk. My favorite way to store breastmilk on the go is using my Ceres chiller! Serious game changer, no more carrying around cooler bags and ice packs! Highly recommend this product. I love it! The best part is it can be used or years to keep drinks hot or cold. Even when your pumping journey is over. Another important thing to remember is to make sure you are familiar with the proper milk storage guidelines and invest in a good breast pump bag. This will keep your pump supplies organized and accessible.  Below is a guide on proper breast milk storage. 

A pumping mother’s journey is always tough. But, with patience, persistence, and support, she will overcome the challenges. No matter how hard it seems, always focus on self-care. Seek help when needed. Mama, your dedication to providing breast milk for your baby deserves praise. You are not alone in this journey! As hard as it may seem right now, try to celebrate the milestones along the way.These years will fly by.

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