Tips to Increase Milk Supply

Best Tips to Increase Milk Supply

 If you’re looking for some of the best tips to increase your milk supply, you’re in the right place, mama! Let me start by saying that breastfeeding/pumping isnโ€™t easy, but it is very rewarding, and we all know that breast is best. Breastfeeding is tough, and it takes a lot, but you can and will do it, mama!

From experience, I can genuinely say that latching is so much easier than exclusively pumping (I’ve done both). Theyโ€™re both so beneficial to the baby but can both be mentally challenging for mama. Either way, there are a few essentials you’ll want to have on hand, as well as some tips to increase milk supply and make pumping easier for you, mama.

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1. Invest in a High-Quality Pump

Some insurances cover this specific pump, but sadly not all. Check with your insurance to see if this is an option. If not, I recommend you do your research on what pump your insurance covers. Please do not just choose whatever option regarding a pump machine. Pumps are not created equal, and you need a reliable pump to establish a good milk supply.

This is why I highly recommend the Spectra. It is comfortable to use, portable, and rechargeable (this is a BIG plus) A rechargeable pump machine is a serious game changer. Trust me when I tell you that you donโ€™t want to be stuck to a wall outlet when you pump. Youโ€™ll be pumping so much in the first few weeks of your babyโ€™s life the last thing you want is to be stuck to a wall every single time.

Spectra s1 features

  • Portable
  • Rechargeable
  • Closed system (barrier between milk & pump ensure hygiene & motor performance)
  • Double electric (can be used as a single pump as well)
  • One touch button & digital controls (set pumping to the speed and rhythm comfortable for you)
  • Adjustable suction in letdown and expression modes
  • Built-in timer (30-min)
  • Built-in nightlight (so useful for middle of the night pump sessions)
Tips to increase milk supply. Spectra Pump

I always rave to all the new mamas about this pump, and I know it was a big reason why I had such a good supply for both of my babies. In case you’re interested in the Spectra, I will link it below.


If you decide to purchase it, make sure you know your flange size, the Spectra comes with two different flange sizes (24MM and 28MM), but if you need something smaller, I can link the ones I purchased below.


If youโ€™d like something wearable, there are pumps such as the Elvie, Willow, and Momcozy. I bought the Willow GO, and the suction did not compare to my Spectra. Personally speaking, it did not fully empty me after sessions. Nothing beats the portability of these pumps, but the suction, for me, just wasn’t there. There are plenty of other mamas who think otherwise, though, and have loved their wearable pump! Always do your research first!

2. Use the Correct Flange Size

Flanges (cone-shaped part that fits directly over your nipple to form a seal)

Some problems that may arise with incorrect flange size include:

  1. Constricted breasts, causing clogged ducts (mastitis)
  2. Nipple pain and damage.
  3. Reduced amount of milk output.

 If you donโ€™t trust yourself enough to handle this task on your own (completely understandable), you can always consult your nearest lactation consultant in your area. They are such a big help! Especially if it’s your first time pumping.

3. Create a Comfortable Setup

Comfort is key; you’ll be spending a lot of time pumping, especially at the beginning of your pumping journey. Choose a good, comfortable spot with good support (your posture will thank you). Keep essentials like water bottles, snacks, phones, chargers, books, wipes, napkins, or any of your favorites on hand. The last thing you want is to constantly be getting up to grab what you need while pumping.

4. Establish a Routine

This next tip is very important. Milk production works on supply and demand. The more you pump, the more you tell your body to make more and more milk. Pumping at consistent times helps your body maintain a steady supply, especially in the first few weeks. I recommend pumping every 2-3 hours at the beginning. This mimics your baby’s feeding schedule. As time passes, your milk consistency changes, and you’re able to go longer periods without pumping since your milk will keep your baby fuller longer. Pumping 2-3 hours at the start helps establish your supply. Establishing a good milk supply can take anywhere from two weeks to 3 months. This is why establishing a consistent pumping routine is crucial.

5. Practice Hands-Free Pumping

A hands-free pumping bra like this one is a complete must-have! You’re going to thank yourself for it later.


A pumping bra allows you to pump without holding the flanges in place. This allows for hands-free pumping for activities such as reading, typing, and, most importantly, eating! It helps increase productivity and makes pumping feel less of a chore. If you’re thinking about purchasing a Spectra pump or already own one, I recommend this portable breast pump bag for it. It fits your spectra perfectly, and you’ll be able to clip it on your waist and go around your business all while pumping. This helped me so much when I had to cook, clean, attend to my baby, etc.! I loved it!


6. Use Warm Compresses

Another tip to make pumping easier is to use warm compresses to help stimulate letdown and increase milk flow. This is because warmth helps your milk ducts open up and encourage letdown. You can do this by warming up a damp washcloth or a microwavable gel pack before starting your pump session. Warm showers and heating pads applied briefly before pumping are also recommended.

7. Massage During Sessions

This is another big tip to increase your milk supply. Massaging during your pump sessions can help fully empty milk ducts to avoid clogs. Gently massaging your breasts during each session can help prevent clogged ducts. Start at the top of your breast in circular motions and work your way towards the nipple. You can also massage areas that feel firm and help โ€œcompletelyโ€ empty breasts each session. One tool that helped me if I got clogged ducts was the massager I linked below. It helped me get rid of clogged ducts quicker than just hand massaging!


If you’re looking for an electric vibrating massager that will help unclog ducts and has built-in heat to help your pumping/breastfeeding experience, then I recommend this one below. It has a great battery life and is very effective in helping unclog milk ducts or just helping empty breasts better!


8. Stay Hydrated and Well Nourished

The next tip to increase your milk supply and maintain it is to drink a lot of water throughout the day and eat healthy, balanced meals. When you’re producing milk, your body is burning extra calories. Trust me when I say YOU’RE ALWAYS GOING TO FEEL HUNGRY! Your body needs all the extra fluids and healthy food it can get! Keep water bottles near your pumping station, and don’t forget to sip throughout the day. Keep healthy snacks handy, and try incorporating milk-boosting foods such as flaxseeds, almonds, and leafy greens into your diet as well!

Please don’t try and go on a diet while breastfeeding/pumping. Speaking from experience, restricting specific foods can be detrimental to your supply. I know it’s hard to embrace our postpartum bodies, but you will get to where you want to be mama. Everything at its time, give yourself some grace and focus on nourishing your little one for now. It will all be worth it in the end.

9. Relax and Minimize Stress

Stress inhibits milk letdown. Distract yourself while pumping by watching TV, deep breathing, etc. Okay, I know how โ€œrelax and minimize stressโ€ sounds after a new baby. But really, relax and try to take things slow. All stressing will get you is a low milk supply. The more you stress, the less you will produce. This is because stress can block oxytocin that is needed for milk letdowns.  During each pumping session, try to relax to encourage letdowns during your session.

If you stress about how much milk you’re producing while pumping (like I sometimes did) it helps to cover your milk bottles with a t shirt or a rag so you’re not constantly stressing on how much milk is coming out as you pump. At least that’s what worked for me on days I was worried about my supply. Creating a calming environment will increase your chances of getting more letdowns during your pump sessions! So, try and relax as much as possible.

10. Use a Timer

It is recommended to pump no more than 30 minutes at a time. Pumping more than 30 min at a time can cause,

  • Nipple swelling
  • Breast tissue damage
  • Low milk supply

Try to keep your pump sessions consistent. Aim anywhere from 15-30 minutes. When I was both latching my baby and pumping, I would nurse baby and then proceed to pump for about 15 min. just to establish my supply. When I exclusively pumped, I would do 30-minute sessions and nothing more. Over-pumping can lead to sore nipples and overstimulation. If youโ€™re struggling with milk output, aim for shorter, more frequent sessions as opposed to long, infrequent ones. If you decide on the Spectra pump, it has a built-in timer, making it easier to track your sessions!

11. Store Supplies Nearby

Keep everything handy so you’re always prepared. Use a rolling cart, a caddy, or anything that works for you. Prepare a caddy, rolling cat, โ€œpumping basket,โ€ or anything that will help you keep your pump and extra pump parts in one place. This will help keep you prepared in case something breaks or gets misplaced. I recommend having extra clean bottles and breast milk containers ready to swap, just in case. Doing so will save you time when youโ€™re extra busy. I used this Skip Hop Diaper Caddy Organizer and loved it. This caddy fit my pump machine and pump parts; I easily carried it from room to room when I needed to. It was perfect for those middle-of-the-night pumping sessions and was one of my most used items! Highly recommend. I’ll link it below as well, in case you’re interested.


Up to this day, I still use this storage rolling cart to organize my baby and toddler items such as diapers, creams, lotions, night lights, etc. I plan to use it as their arts and crafts cart in the future! I love that it is so versatile and can be used pretty much anywhere!


12. Optimize Milk Storage

It’s important to label milk bags with dates and use the first in, first out method. There are different milk storage bag options, such as plastic and silicone. Choosing which is best is entirely up to you and your budget. Important note: Make sure you have enough space in your freezer for your entire breast-feeding journey. You don’t want to be running out of freezer space or have to throw milk away! I also recommend freezing and storing milk anywhere from 2-4oz portions to avoid wasting milk. Thawed milk must be used within 24 hours, and the last thing you want is to freeze 8oz milk bags and not have your baby finish it.

I used these storage bags pretty much my entire pumping journey. Durable with no holes or leakage. If you’re getting a breast pump through your insurance, they may offer to send you free storage bags every few weeks. Verify with your insurance first before you spend money on these because things can get expensive if you have a large freezer stash.


These are another option for breastmilk storage bags; they are made out of silicone. I will place a link below if you’re interested, but I cannot say if they work well or not, as I never used them.


13. Experiment with Pump Settings

I have said this before, and I will say it again: breast pumps are not made equal. Get a good one, experiment with your pump, and start with low suction. Another tip to increase milk supply is to gradually work your way up to a comfortable level that mimics a babyโ€™s natural feeding rhythm. Find what works for you to express milk efficiently. Try to familiarize yourself with your pump before you pump for the very first time. That way, you know how things work beforehand and not right at the time when you need to feed your baby.

14. Clean Parts Thoroughly

Thoroughly wash your pump parts after every use. If you can’t or you’re short on time, then use cleaning wipes or sterilizing bags. I will link a few options below. You have probably heard of moms refrigerating pump parts between sessions to cut down on washing, but please do not do this, especially if you have a premature baby/babies. Refrigerating used pump parts does not stop bacteria from growing. This could potentially expose the baby to harmful infections. I know washing pump parts throughout the day is a daunting task, but please thoroughly wash parts in between each session. The risk of your baby getting sick is not at all worth it.

If you’re short on time, these are the pump wipes I recommend. I will also link a reusable sterilizing bag that I highly recommend to better clean pump parts in between sessions, especially if you’re a working mom and have access to a microwave where you’re at.


15. Seek Support

Breastfeeding and pumping can be both emotionally and physically demanding. Join breastfeeding and pumping groups online or in person. Share tips and encouragement. Anything that will help make your breastfeeding journey easier and more enjoyable. Hearing other’s experiences and tips can provide you with reassurance, motivation, and practical solutions for everyday challenges. I hope these 15 tips to increase your milk supply help make this journey easier for you. Just know that youโ€™ve got this mama! You can do this! Enjoy these bitter-sweet moments with your little one. The days may seem long for now, but the years surely are short.

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